Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentines and More

We spent the afternoon making Valentines for the kids' classmates. Let's just say that I did not get along well the the embossing tool, and my fingers are burned, and if I never see a Valentine again it will be too soon. I am thankful, though, for EmJ, who did ALL of the work except the actual embossing. Willie came in at the beginning, made one card, then came in at the end for the picture. What a boy....

Also this week, the kids participated in the school science fair. They did a great job on THEIR projects (Luke kept reminding me to be "hands off")! EmJ did an experiment comparing the densities of different liquids and objects, and the boys did an experiment to test which cereal gets soggy the fastest. Good stuff!
And we had a couple of nice, spring teaser, sort of days. We couldn't bear to ever be in the house, so we played ball, washed the car, and took a lot of walks. As a matter of fact, I walked to the bank on one of the sunny afternoons while the kids were napping. As I huffed and puffed up nike hill, I had a great time watching the reactions of drivers as they noticed me, quite pregnant, hiking up that hill. At least I assume it was my belly that caught their makes me wonder at the strange looks I must get, that I don't notice, when I'm actually running!

(*Here was supposed to be a picture of my 28 week belly and a picture of the Boss overseeing the car washing extravaganza. But blogger is not cooperating. I'll add them later!)

1 comment:

tracie said...

I want to know the result of which cereal gets soggy the fastest!!!