Thursday, May 04, 2006

Willie is Two!!

I know I'm a few days late, but I just wanted to report that Joshua had a fabulous second birthday! (He still isists that he's "four", though!) We went out shopping in the morning to get his birthday gift--a lifejacket. You may be wondering why a two year-old would get excited about such a gift, but Willie is far from you're typical two-year old boy, remember? (See head-banging post below! 4-11-06)

Anyway, after shopping we enjoyed lunch and opening a present from Puppy Grandma (and fam)...some books, a car, and a new CAR QUILT! (She's amazing)! Willie now has four blankets that he has to sleep with every night. (I can't wait to travel this summer and carry all of them with us, oh brother!)

Then, Joshua, Emmeline, the new life jacket, and I went swimming. Joshua took only one look back at me as he took a flying leap into the water. I think he was suprised that I didn't stop him, since usually our pool outings consist of "Willie, NOOOOO!", "Get away from the edge!", and "Please come play on the steps!" We've been swimming three times now with the new life jacket and he's quite the pro. He jumps in, dunks his head, treads water (to keep his balance), and swims wherever his little heart desires. If only he'd stop drinking the pool water--Sick!

After a loooooong nap, we headed out to Chuck-e-Cheese for the FHE birthday celebration. The kids had a great time. So, that's it. The birthday. Happy Birthday to dad, too! I think it's so cool that they share a birthday and a name.

In other news, EmJ, the amazing non-complainer, burned her elbow on a sizzling frying pan the other day. It's nastier looking than the pile of hair picture that I posted a few days ago, but she hasn't said a word about it. The only thing that she was concerned about as we were fussing over her was that her toast was getting cold. (She burned her elbow because she was standing on a stool at the counter making her own toast, a new skill that she's very proud of!)

Well, Benjamin is finally starting to fuss, so it's time to put him in bed and tackle my Relief Society To-Do list. I'm up to my ears right now in Enrichment *stuff*, and I get to teach on Sunday, and play for the Spanish branch, etc, etc. I love being busy, and I adore my calling, but what is the deal with everything happening in the same week?! And speaking of adoring my calling--our Relief Society President is moving. So I'll probably be released in the next couple of weeks. *Sigh* (That was a sad sigh, not a relieved sigh...okay maybe a little relieved, but mostly sad.) (I work in the most amazing presidency--truly a lesson in how presidencies should operate.)

FYI--Luke was called last week to be a Sunday School teacher for the 14-18 year olds. I think it's the perfect calling for him!

Man, sorry for rambling for so long, but thanks for reading! Good-night all!

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