Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well, it's been a while since I posted, and I don't have any exciting news or stories...sorry! Here are some pictures of the kiddos, though, for your viewing pleasure! You can see in these pictures that Benjamin is getting huge and that he and Joshua ADORE Emmeline. The first picture was taken today when we went swimming. (There were tons of cute ones, but they all had other kids in them whose parents may not appreciate me putting them on the internet). The other photos were taken last week in Sac'to at Grandma's house and Fairytale Town. I love the one of the boys in their matching turtle shirts with turtle Grandma!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Those are some really cute pictures!! Benjamin is getting so big! Are you calling him gus-gus like the fat mouse on Cinderella?