Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rolling Over

EmJ informed me the other day that we need to "give Reillee more tummy time...because there are lots of things she needs to learn before she can crawl and walk."


I asked her where she picked up the phrase "tummy time" and she replied that she read in a book.

So my 8 year old has read more parenting books than myself.

Nonetheless, I decided to give Reillee some tummy time, and tonight, at the ripe old age of 7 1/2 months, she finally rolled over. Back to tummy, tummy to back. 23 reps, followed by grinning and panting. I may have five kids, but watching new tricks never, ever, ever gets old.

So, on the gratitude wall tonight I will write, "I am thankful for tummy time."

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