Friday, January 13, 2006

Hey all! I mean, Mom. Who else really reads this?! Actually for all three days that I've been doing it, I've enjoyed having a's so much more fun than writing in a real journal. I'll just have to make sure that it's saved somewhere safe and sound.

No exciting news in the our family right now. Joshua has strung together his first couple of tiny sentences--"bye car," "bye house," "all gone," and "mimia." I think that last one is the catch-all. He says it all the time just like Emmeline used to say, "nonnie." (No nonnie take a bath. No nonnie eat my food.) We never figured out exactly what it meant.

We had our first visitors today as well. Diana brought over taco bell and cinnabons for the pregnant lady. We devoured the taco bell and made the kids eat ramen. They loved it and of course, so did we! It was so nice of her to visit and bring treats, especially since I've been stranded here for three days (Luke was on a business trip). Emmeline enjoyed playing with Kiki, too. It's always good to see her break out of her shell a little bit.

Happy weekend! I'll be back on Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad that you're blogging!! The blog automatically archives your entries so it's already saved. Let me know if you want to have the map thing that shows where is the world people are looking at the blog! Congrats on getting unpacked!