Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dirty Fingerprints...

On my windows and sliding glass door, on my counters, sinks, and walls, and two black feetprints on the bottom shelf of my fridge?!

Benjamin had his 4 month checkup today. He weighed in at 16 lbs and 26 inches. His heart murmur appears to be gone, and we haven't had any asthma issues for at least a month! This child also did not cry as they gave him four vaccinations. Wow.

Willie let me know today that, "fan finger chop!" At least he gets the message!

We went to the Oakland Zoo on Tuesday. Besides being murderously hot, we had a great time. Willie loved the "openants" (elephants), and EmJ loved all the animals from Madagascar--the zebras, lion, giraffes, and hippos. Luke loved the alligators, and I loved the shade!

Last night, EmJ and I had a sleepover. I asked her what she wanted to do at it and she said, "Just sleep!" So we did. Luke had a rough night, though, getting Willie to fall asleep without EmJ!

It was 103 degrees here today. Yikes! That's too hot even to I sat around looking at the Stampin' Up! catalog, saying things like, "Stop fighting or go to bed!" and "If you're hungry, get yourself some crackers!" I'm so mean, and it's so hot that I don't hardly care!

That's it. I'm going to reclaim my spot in front of the fan.


Melissa said...

I know the feeling!!!

Next time you are in town give me a call and we can meet over at Ferns Park and let the kids play in the water!

Anonymous said...

The temperature in Utah is getting up there too! I used to complain about having to park far away from the buildings on campus but now I find myself walking farther than I have to so that I can park in the shade...I still dread getting into the car after class!