Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hee hee...I think Benjamin may be turning out to be like me. A few examples...

Yesterday, I came downstairs to find every single movie out on the living room floor. A royal mess. But, stacked on the couch in a nice neat pile were Benjamin's five favorite movies! He was so proud.

A few days ago, Benjamin started bringing me canned food and asking, "This yuck?" He lined the cans up in two neat rows according to my answer.

Hmmm, if I remember what my third story about him was I'll post it later! Moving on to Joshua...

Last week, I taught Sharing Time for the first time. I said something to the effect of, "When I teach, we are going to read lots of scriptures because I love the scriptures!" Joshua threw his head back, slouched in his chair, and said, "Ugggghhhh!" It was hilarious. For a minute, he had been so proud that his mom was teaching...I killed it, though!

Well, this was going to be a long post-update...but just enjoy the stories because I've got to go...the kids just pulled down the curtains that I spent all week washing/ironing/hemming/hanging. Grrrrrr...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Benjamin sounds like Uncle Zack -- until he hit age 10 or so!